Friday, July 6, 2012

How to Write Children's Books - The Best Place to Start!

Expert Author Lisa Brunel

Learning how to write for children shouldn't be as daunting as you first imagine.
If you find yourself enjoying the idea of writing and interacting with children, you will probably find your skills lye in writing children's books. Many people would love to write children's books but so few actually have the willpower to do so. Remember that while writing a good children's book is far from simple, you will find that it can still be a rewarding thing to do. Telling stories is one of the most important ways that we teach our children and even when they don't know that they are learning a lesson, they will hold it with them. If you want to write children's books, there are several things that you should keep in mind.
If you are interested in writing, the first thing that will help you is to read! No matter what kind of book you want to write for children, head to the bookstore and look at what is being offered. You will find that through reading other people's books you are going to be able to learn a lot about writing, what you can do and what has been done before. It is important to make sure you aren't going over ground that hasn't been gone over before or at least you have a new vision in mind, and at the end of the day, you may even find that reading about other people's work will give you a lot of inspiration. Take some time to research what other people are doing.
When you get started on writing children's books, do some plotting and planning. Even though children's books are relatively simple, remember that there is still a point to it, and a plot. What is the problem in your story and what can you do to make sure that it gets across? Depending on the book that you are writing, it might be anything from finding the right pair of socks to dealing with a traumatic issue. Sit down and outline the action of your story and how it goes together. This can help you decide on a lot of things and at the end of the day, it can make sure that you don't go astray with your narrative.
Set aside some time every day to write. For instance, how much time do you have and what can you do to make sure that you are going to be getting the right kind of work put in? Everyone is different when it comes to the time they like to write, some prefer to write late at night at the dinning room table, while others might squeeze in twenty minutes during their morning commute. The thing about writing is that everyone means to do it, but so few people get around to it. The issue is that inertia can be something that is very great, and at the end of the day, it can really make you forget all about your project. Dedication and determination are imperative when you want to write children's books.
Think about your main character. Who are you talking to, and what kind of experience are you trying to convey? There are many children's book authors who are now trying to create realistic characters that relate to their readers. It is worth asking what kind of school your protagonist might go to, or what kind of experiences he or she might have. While the issue or the problem that you are dealing with is something that is important, so are the background details that you throw in. The better you can put your children's book into a particular place, the more it is going to appeal. Take a moment to imagine and sort out the area and world your story takes place in.
Something to consider when you have written your book, or are thinking of getting it published, is get other people to read it. Having a reader's group is ideal, but anyone who reads your book can help give you some important insight into it. Take a moment to make sure that your book gets read and you get useful feedback from the people who are around you. If you have some readers around who are the right ages see what they have to say about it.
Take a few minutes to think about how to write children's books. If you have a story to tell, make sure that you get it down on paper! You never know it might just be a best seller!
Find out exactly how to write children's books, step by step, at You will find some of the best resources available to get you on your way to becoming a published author of children's books.

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