Monday, July 2, 2012

Jewelry Making Findings Explained

Expert Author Laura J Cartner

When making bracelets and necklaces we need to decide what we will thread the beads onto.There are many choices that can be made. The most commonly used is wire, usually tiger tail,which is made of a number of very thin steel wires covered with plastic. It comes in many colors and is very strong and makes for a nice, pliable bracelet or necklace. Other popular findings used for threading beads are elastic, ribbon, rubber, leather, and memory wire.
Memory wire is spring wire that is set in a circle, and returns to a circle if it is pulled out of its original shape. It also comes in many colors and is popular for pendants.Smaller circles of wire are produced for bracelets. The ends can be left open with a small circle made at each end of the wire to keep the beads on, or it can have a clasp to close it, or a bead can be glued onto each end to hold the other beads on the wire.
Clasps are the joiners. Usually a clasp at one end and a jump ring at the other end of a bracelet or necklace. Clasps come in a variety of types. Probably the commonest is the lobster clasp, or parrot clasp. It is called that, because it looks like a lobster claw or a bird's beak. It is usually very strong and works by way of a spring in the body of the clasp. When a little lever is pulled back, the clasp opens and when the lever is let go the clasp shuts. This is a good choice for most bracelets or necklaces.
Another type of clasp is a clip. This clasp is usually quite decorative and has a closed body with a flat opening in one end. The part that connects to the other end of the piece of jewelry has a flat bar that slides into the opening and clips shut. These clasps are often set with stones. A variation of this clasp is a hook that goes into an opening on the side of the decorative main body instead.
There are many hook type clasps. Many are very fancy and many are purely functional. As the name implies, they have a hook at one end and a circle or some kind of closed design at the other end for the hook to go into. Many people make their own hook clasps. The Peruvians are well known for their home industry of jewelry making. They make wire jewelry with semi precious stones. Their work is very clever and their jewelry is a very good example of hand made clasps.
Jump rings are little rings that are used to join parts of jewelry together. The jump ring is opened up and one end is put through the item that it is joining, and then the jump ring is closed again. Common uses for jump rings are, putting clasps on bracelets and necklaces, hanging beads on items of jewelry and making chain.
Making earrings is fun to do, and there are many different findings to entertain the imagination. There are clip on styles for women who don't have their ears pierced, and hooks, and stud posts for those who do. After choosing the type of earring attachment that will be used, then the choice of what to hang off it is next. Beads can be threaded onto head pins and hung on the post or hook to dangle, or a bead or cabochon can be glued on, especially to the clip on type.
A very popular finding for earrings is a flat piece of metal, often in a half circle shape with a hole at the top of the curve, and a number of holes along the straight edge.Beads are attached by means of jump rings or hooks and eyes or head pins, and very often many beads are attached to form the much loved chandelier style of earring. These findings come in many lovely designs
There are many, many findings available on the market today, and as a person begins to start making jewelry and reading books on the subject and watching videos etc, she will become very knowledgeable and begin to think of wonderful original designs to make. It's a lovely pastime.
Hello. My name is Laura Cartner. My web site is I have been very much involved in making jewelry and teaching it for the past few years. My special interest is for the natural stones of the earth, however I also have a big appreciation of all other natural and man made products. My site has many articles for those who share my interest. You are invited to browse anytime, Laura

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