Monday, July 2, 2012

Which Sterling Silver Clasp Goes Best With Your Necklace?

Every budding jewelry designer wonders why sterling silver clasps make the best choice amongst all metals and which one works best for necklaces. Necklaces are one of the most popularly worn jewelry articles amongst both men and women of all age and cultures. Many different types of findings and accessories are used to create a necklace depending upon its physical nature and weight.
However, the principal or in other words most crucial finding to be used while making any necklace is a clasp. It helps in holding the necklace around the wearer's neck by acting as a firm lock between its two ends. The size and strength of the clasp varies based upon the weight of the necklace. But, the choice of metal solely depends upon the personal choice of the jewelry maker. These days more and more designers are being drawn towards sterling silver clasps because of their durability, cost effectiveness, skin friendliness and sturdiness.
With a wide variety of sterling silver clasps available in the market it can be extremely challenging for an amateur jewelry designer to pick the best type of clasp for his project. Thus, below are a few most popular kinds of jewelry clasps to help buyers understand their usefulness and suitability to different projects.
Spring Ring Clasp: This is one of the most common and widely used claps varieties amongst all. It features a relatively simple mechanism in which a small lever is pulled to open the inner ring which connects one end of the necklace to the other. This type of sterling silver clasp can be used in most of the necklace styles owning to its simple yet versatile design.
Lobster Claw Clasp: A lobster claw clasp is a slightly modified version of a spring ring clasp with the primary difference in the size and strength. A lobster claw clasp is usually used in heavy pieces of necklaces because of its sturdy and relatively large size. Its size also offers a great advantage to the wearer as it allows for effective operation. One of the best features of this type of sterling silver clasps are that they are customizable and can be useful in making different kinds of heavy necklaces. It is much more secure and strong than usual spring ring clasps which makes it a better choice for bulky necklaces.
Magnetic Clasp: This is one of the most popular and innovative types of clasps. It has a unique magnetic mechanism that takes away the charm of the traditional ring and hook lock clasps. It is very convenient to use for both the manufacturer as well as the user. Besides that a magnetic clap is much more secure than regular clasps. However, the use of magnetic clasps is restricted only to light weight necklaces due to its fragile mechanism. It is also believed that such clasps also have a great effect on human body.
The above discussed are the three most commonly used sterling silver clasps in the jewelry manufacturing business. Any fresher in the field can safely start his initial projects with the help of these clasps and gradually move to using more complex ones.
John Frank Peterson is a well known writer for House of gems, for more information about sterling silver claspwholesale sterling silver chains please visit our site

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